The existing scout hut was second hand when we got it, and we have now been using it for over 30 years. It was put on its current site in the early 1980’s and was in part funded by a local benefactor and racehorse owner Sir Humphrey de Trafford combined with the early fundraising efforts of the group’s then leaders, Maggie and Peter Whisken. Since then, we have improved, maintained and repaired it but we are now in a situation where we really need to replace our old wooden hut with a building that will enable us to grow as a group and continue to provide the full range of scouting activities not just to the current generation of Beavers, Cubs Scout and Explorers but also to the generations that will hopefully follow behind them. We currently provide scouting to over 100 local children and are keen to continue to do this going forward.
As the building is now getting to the end of its life, we really need to urgently work towards raising enough money to replace the existing building and significantly improve the facilities that the whole Scout Group are able to make use of. We are aiming high with this project and deliberately being ambitious, but I am confident we can succeed if we all pull together.
It cannot be understated how important it is that we raise this money as without a place to meet the Scout Group would struggle to survive and certainly would not be able to run the range and variety of camps and activities that it offers close to 100 children and young adults currently.
So, what are we trying to do and what do we need?
Our fundraising target is £300,000. This should enable us to remove our old building and build a new facility on the same site, hopefully with a better layout and more disable access and facilities in addition to providing us with more usable space, a bigger kitchen and a much better equipment store.
Fundraising:- This is likely to involve helping us to seek out grants to apply for, and in some cases writing the letters or making the contacts so that we can explain our needs and ask for funding. If two or three of you were able to help with this and share the work that would be fantastic.
Social Media:- We want to set up Twitter, Instagram and any other helpful social media pages. We plan to set up a just giving style of page also so again anyone who can help just do that would be one less task on the list. Again, if two or three people share the work here it may well make it a very simple task. Alternatively, if one of you is a Social Media guru please do step forward and offer whatever time you have.
Ideas:- We need Ideas and lots of them especially things that can be shared to a wider audience like the recent gin tasting which many of you enjoyed, I hope? We don’t expect to raise all the funding from parents we want to involve the wider community and as many family and friends as possible to build some momentum, we can then apply for matching funding from granting bodies etc, so the first money is actually the most important to help us get going. No idea is a bad idea so please all think, what have you been to at schools or heard colleagues or friends talk about that you really enjoyed or worked well? We plan to copy and reuse ideas as well as coming up with a few of our own. You don’t need to join a committee to have ideas please do let us have your ideas either by email to me [email protected] or your section leader.
We are going to need someone to help us Project Manage this and someone to help me with some of the Business Development and Marketing work that will be needed as we start talking to a wider audience or trying to promote specific events. Moving forward we would love to get some architects drawings and visuals done to bring to life what might be possible and make it all more real for everyone, so if any of you have contacts or skills in those areas please do get in touch with me.
As we get further into the process, we will also need the help of all of the relevant trades required to get a building built, so if you have any contacts or can help us yourself with some of that then please do let us have your details and how you feel you can help.
I will be regularly posting updates on here and on our Facebook page and as soon as we have some architects drawing and visuals to share, we will post them on here. We are really excited by the task ahead which although is a big challenge is possible if we all work together. I am sure there are lots of things I have not covered and if you have any questions, ideas or suggestions please do get in touch we need all the help we can get.
If you are looking to donate to a very worthwhile cause, please do reach out to me on email and I will be happy to talk to you about ways that you can donate.
Thank you in advance for your help.
7th Royston Scout Group.